Transfer a Firearm
An unlicensed individual may transfer a firearm to another unlicensed individual residing in the same state, provided they have no reason to believe the buyer is legally prohibited from possessing firearms. Check this list of categories banning a person from possessing a firearm for more information.
For Out-of-State Individuals
An unlicensed individual may complete a transfer to an out-of-state person through the following procedure:
- The unlicensed individual transfers the firearm to an FFL dealer.
- The licensee (Fenix Firearms Inc.) located in the state of the person receiving the firearm will receive firearms shipments, which will then be transferred to the buyer after the completion of Federal Form 4473 and an NICS instant background check.
- Fenix Firearms Inc. will transfer the firearm to an FFL dealer in another state for those who sell a firearm to an individual residing outside of Minnesota.
- Fenix Firearms Inc. will be responsible for lawfully transferring the firearm.
Under federal law, there is no recordkeeping requirement for transferring a firearm between two unlicensed individuals residing in the same state. There may be existing state or local laws pertaining to the transfer, including registration requirements. Contact the appropriate state agency for information regarding such requirements.
As of August 1, 2023, Minnesota residents are now required to keep a record of sale for any firearm transferred in a private sale to another unlicensed individual for a minimum of 10 years.
As of August 1, 2023, Minnesota residents are now required to keep a record of sale for any firearm transferred in a private sale to another unlicensed individual for a minimum of 10 years.
For Private Sellers
For private sellers wanting assurance that other private individuals are not prohibited from possessing firearms, we encourage you to consider transferring the firearm to a private individual through Fenix Firearms Inc. We will be responsible for conducting a background check on the person acquiring the firearm, properly dispositioning it, and completing the required paperwork. Email or call us at (612) 501-7303 to let us know how we can help.